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Tummy Tuck Surgery Negligence & Injury Claims: Abdominoplasty Compensation

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A Tummy tuck surgery, which is also known as abdominoplasty, involves removing the excess fat and skin from around the stomach to achieve a firmer and flatter abdominal area. An abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure which patients decide to undergo for a variety of reasons. It is mostly due to their desire to remove any excess skin after significant weight loss or to lose any sagging pregnancy weight.

Tummy Tucks can be broken down into 3 segments:

Mini Tummy Tuck: This process is used when there is a small amount of excess skin or fat involved, thus the belly button does not have to be removed. However, a scar on the abdomen above the pubic area will remain after the surgery.

Standard Tummy Tuck: This method includes an incision being made from hip to hip and having the belly button removed. The surplus skin and fat is removed and the remaining skin is stitched up. Lastly, the belly button is recreated.

Extended Tummy Tuck/ Lower body lift: This process leaves a scar above the pubic region, around the stomach and lower back, as the fat and skin is removed from all those areas. It is a popular procedure for those who have a huge amount of sagging skin after extreme weight loss.

Tummy tuck Negligence claims

Although the procedure itself is common, injuries associated with a tummy tuck are relatively rare. However, as is the case with most types of surgery, a Tummy tuck is not entirely risk-free.

Surgeons have a duty to ensure that all patients are fully informed of any risks before they opt to undergo an abdominoplasty. A surgeon who does not satisfy this responsibility is failing his patient and this in itself can constitute grounds for a cosmetic surgery claim

If your tummy tuck surgery has gone wrong and your surgeon did not maintain the expected and required standards during or after your abdominoplasty then you may be eligible to make a claim for Abdominoplasty negligence.

With a wealth of professional knowledge in medical negligence claims, we can provide assistance, support, and direction throughout the process. Call us today for free on 0800 0747 644 or fill in our enquiry form on the right-hand side of the page to request a callback.

How Abdominoplasty Surgery can go wrong

All surgeries involve some risk which the surgeon should explain before the operation. It is normal to experience some of the more common risks after the surgery has taken place, this includes abdominal numbness, scarring, and swelling. However, with enough care and time, these should subside.

Examples of tummy tuck negligence:

  • Pulmonary Embolus – Blood clots in the lungs.
  • Nerve damage resulting in numbness and loss of sensation.
  • Skin becomes creased around the scar lines.
  • Seroma – A build-up of fluid surrounding the wound.
  • Infection.
  • Skin or fat necrosis.
  • Excessive or inappropriately placed scarring.
  • Insufficient removal of excess tissue leading to skin contour deformity.
  • Belly button loss or off-centre misplacement.
  • Haematoma – Bleeding under the skin which may need further surgery to stop the bleeding and to drain the area.

If you have experienced any of these symptoms of negligent care, then you may make a claim compensation for tummy tuck surgery. Any tummy tuck surgery compensation awarded could provide for corrective surgery to assuage the effects of a negligent tummy tuck surgery, allowing you to start rebuilding your life.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Compensation

With over 20 years of experience and knowledge, we understand how disappointing negligent surgery can be both emotionally and financially. If you believe you have fallen victim to a negligent abdominoplasty procedure, Grieves Solicitors will guide you through your options.

Call us now for free on 0800 0747 644 or request a callback or email, by filling in our quick and easy online claim form.

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Loss of sense, smell or taste
  • Damage to the cartilage wall between nostrils
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reaction to the anaesthetic
  • Nasal Collapse
  • Saddle deformity
  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • Contour irregularities
  • Extruding implant
  • Internal bleeding
  • Damage to the septum

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The surgeon should explain how likely the risks and complications are before the operation, and how they would be treated if they occur.

Making a Nose Surgery Claim

If you have concerns about your care and believe there has been a case of cosmetic surgery negligence then you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation.

We provide professional legal advice, support and guidance throughout the process, call us for free on 0800 0747 644 or complete the online claim form and we will call you back to discuss any queries you may have.

To make a free no-obligation enquiry, call 0800 0747 644.

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