Our Work Accident Claim Calculator – How Damages Work

Work Accident Lawyers

Our Work Accident Claim Calculator – How Compensation Is Calculated

Our work accident claim calculator gives you a rough idea of how much compensation you could be entitled to after suffering an injury in the workplace.

It is the ideal starting point for working out how much your claim might be worth.

Reach out to our friendly, expert team for FREE on 0800 0747 644 today. Or make an online enquiry to start getting the personal service and advice you need right away.

If you want to get a more accurate estimate though – as well as to understand the claim process and your chance of success a little better – it is worth finding out more about how damages work:

How Much Is My Claim Worth?

For many people who reach out to personal injury specialists like us, the value of a claim can be an important consideration. So much so that we have created a special work accident claim calculator to provide an estimate.

However, workplace injury compensation laws are complicated. How much your claim is worth will depend on everything from the severity of your injury to its type. There are also other factors, such as your lost earnings or travel costs.

To get a more precise estimate, simply get in touch for a FREE, no-obligation consultation with one of our friendly, supportive team. We deal with claims like yours on a daily basis.

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How Damages For Your Work Accident Claim Are Calculated

There are generally two types of financial compensation related to work accident claims. These are:

1) General Damages

General damages cover the impact your injury or accident has had on your health. To calculate them, the court might take into account:

  • The extent of the pain and suffering your accident has caused you
  • The cost of any treatment that is or will be required to help you recover
  • Any aggravation of pre-existing conditions or injuries
  • The extent to which your life has been adversely affected by your accident
  • Your injury’s effects on your psychological or emotional health

If you have suffered multiple injuries from an accident your compensation may be multiplied to account for the significant impact on your daily life.

To get a more precise figure for our clients – and to inform us how to best proceed with your claim – we instruct an expert medical practitioner to produce a report on your injuries.

The final amount will be determined by the court. But in Grieves Solicitors’ combined 76 years experience with personal injury claims, we have seen the effect a solicitor who fights to ensure you receive the maximum

compensation you are entitled to will have on a claim’s final value.

2) Special Damages

Special damages are designed to compensate you for any financial losses or impact your workplace accident or injury might have caused. To calculate them, a court might factor in:

  • Any loss of earnings or pension contributions
  • The cost of medical treatment, appointments, and legal assistance, including travel
  • The cost of ongoing personal care or nursing support
  • Any alterations to your home or vehicle required by your injuries
  • Damage to your property, including your clothing

Again, the degree to which these factors will be covered and factored in can be altered by the experience of the personal injury lawyer representing you and their expertise in workplace accident-related law.

Do I Get Full Pay If Injured At Work?

If you suffer an accident at work, it is likely you will need some time off to recover. Some employers may provide sick pay during this time. You may also receive Statutory Sick Pay.

Even if you are not entitled to this, or your employer will not provide sick pay, it may be possible to incorporate any loss of earnings you suffer into the special damages part of your claim.

During any time you have off work after an accident, it is sensible to make sure you:

  1. Make notes – of any treatment you have during this time and how your accident has affected your daily life. Remember that physical, psychological, and emotional factors all play their part in determining the compensation you may be due.
  2. Keep receipts for any expenditure – including any medical care or transport costs – such as petrol costs to drive to medical appointments or taxis if you are unable to drive – as well as things like physiotherapy or counselling sessions.

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Use Our Work Accident Claim Calculator Or Contact Us Today

Our work accident claim calculator is an excellent starting point to work out how much your workplace injury claim might be worth.

But it is your individual story and the expertise of our specialists that will help you join the hundreds of clients we help get the compensation they deserve every single year.

Reach out to our friendly, expert team for FREE on 0800 0747 644 today. Or make an online enquiry to start getting the personal service and advice you need right away.

Here at Grieves Solicitors, Personal Injury Specialists, we offer a no win, no fee solution to funding your claim (a conditional fee agreement) which means that you do not have to worry about legal costs and expenses.  You can read about our no win, no fee agreement here.

To make a free no-obligation enquiry, call 0800 0747 644.

Alternatively, fill in the contact form and we will get back to you.

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