6 ways to find the right no win, no fee Law Firm.
How can you find the right no win, no fee Law Firm? Solicitors often charge high fees for legal services, so finding an affordable Solicitor and the right no win, no fee Law Firm is important.
In this article, we’ll show you six ways to find the right no win, no fee law firm.
Ask family and friends for recommendations for the right no win, no fee law firm
To find the right no win, no fee law firm, you can ask friends and family members for recommendations.
If you’re looking for a Divorce Solicitor, ask them who they recommend. If you need a Criminal Defence Solicitor, ask them who’s handled similar cases before. If you need a Personal Injury Solicitor then you can ask if they know of one who they would recommend who can offer you a no win, no fee agreement (conditional fee agreement).
If they have not been in an accident they may recommend the last solicitor they used when they bought their house. This may not be the right choice as personal injury law is a complex branch of law and is completely different from the law involved in buying a house. This Solicitor may not know anything about personal injury.
It is always a good idea to instruct a Specialist Personal Injury No win, no Fee Solicitor. This is because legal fees can be expensive and you want to ensure that you are no paying high fees up front for their legal advice.
Check with APIL
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) will have a list of Solicitors who specialise is personal injury claims. Therefore, if you chose a Personal Injury Solicitor off their list, you can be assured that they do have an excellent knowledge of this area of law.
There are different levels of membership and that depends on the number of years’ experience that the Solicitor has in running personal injury claims.
Check if your Solicitor is on the Law Society Personal Injury Panel
The Law Society assesses that Solicitors have the experience to be on their Law Society Personal Injury Panel.
It is not just a matter of paying a fee to join the panel.
Whilst the Solicitor does have to pay a fee to be assessed, the Solicitor has to submit a written test. This is like a written exam where the Solicitor submits details of their firm’s procedures when running a personal injury claim and also some anonymous samples of cases they themselves have personally run in the last 3 years.
To be successfully admitted to the Law Society, Personal Injury Panel and a Law Society Panel Assessor reviews all this information. Then, the Law Society Panel Assessor will decide if the Solicitor has enough experience to be admitted to the panel and if successful will be awarded this important kitemark.
The Solicitor will receive a Certificate and will have to be re-assessed every 3 years.
Helen Grieves, who is a Specialist Personal Injury Solicitor and Head of our Personal Injury Team, has been re-accredited 5 times to the Law Society Personal Injury Panel.
She can be contacted for a free chat on freephone 0800 074 7644 or email her at helen.grieves@grieves-solicitors.co.uk.
Check out local legal Websites for the right no win, no fee law firm
You can also check out legal websites on Google. These sites will help you narrow down your options based on the information they provide.
Now, it is possible to instruct a Solicitors firm from any part of the country in this digital age.
Zoom meetings have become the norm and are very easy to set up and mean that you do not have to meet your Solicitor in the flesh. This makes it easier to instruct a Specialist.
However, you may wish to instruct a local firm so you can pop in and see your Solicitor face to face. You can do this by checking out local legal websites.
5. Experience always matters
It is important to find out whether your Personal Injury Solicitor has enough experience of cases such as yours.
Have they dealt with similar cases or have they just dabbled in personal injury law. Have they been successful?
Although not all personal injury cases are the same it is best to have a Solicitor who has dealt with similar cases.
If you or one of your loved one has had a brain injury for example, or an accident at work causing life changing injuries, it is best to contact a Specialist No Win No Fee Solicitor.
At Grieves Solicitors, all our Personal Injury Solicitors have had many years’ experience in dealing with personal injury claims because our firm is a Specialist Firm.
We do not dabble in any other area of law. We only deal with personal injury claims.
Telephone the Solicitors to check them out
If you do decide to use a Solicitor, make sure you call them first.
It is important to ask them questions about their background and experience, what kind of cases they handle.
You can then judge if they know what they are talking about.
You can ask how much they charge, and whether they accept new clients on a no win, no fee basis. If they do, that means that you do not need to worry about any upfront charges or bills. You can read more about No win No fee here.
Another factor to consider is whether you think you will get on with the Solicitor who is dealing with your claim. This is really important because you will need to be able to talk to that Solicitor about absolutely everything about the way your life has been affected by this accident.
Sometimes this will involve talking to them about quite personal aspects of your life so that they fully understand what you have been through. This is so they can achieve the maximum amount of compensation for you.
If you do not get on with your Solicitor and do not feel they understand how your life has been affected by your accident, this means that they may not achieve the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
At Grieves Solicitors, we pride ourselves on being friendly and approachable as well as extremely knowledgeable.
If you feel that we are right for you, call our personal injury team at Grieves Solicitors on 0800 074 7644 for a no obligation chat about how we could help you with your compensation claim.