Work Accident Claims Solicitors

Ladder Compensation Claim

If you want to make a ladder accident claim, you may be able to collect compensation by making a claim against your employer.

Use our free compensation calculator for an idea of what you might be receive in compensation for your injury claim.  

What can I claim for?

If you’re hurt on the job, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer.

This could cover compensation for your:

  • injury, as well as
  • medical expenses,
  • lost wages, and
  • other costs related to an injury at work.

Prove That The Injury Was Caused By Negligence

To receive compensation, you must prove that the injury was caused by negligence.

In order to do so, you’ll need to show that your employer failed to:

What if I think that the accident was partly down to me?

Even if you think that the accident was partly your fault, you may still be entitled to compensation.

The law calls this ‘contributory negligence’ as you may have contributed in some way to your own accident.

This means that your compensation pay out may be reduced by a percentage to take that into account but you will still receive some money.

For example, if you trip over a large hole in the street, it can be argued that you were not looking where you were going or you would have seen the hole and should take a share of the blame.

Your compensation may be reduced by 25% for example and so you would receive 75% of the total claim.

What if my co-worker or colleague caused the accident?

No-one wants to blame a co-worker or colleague because of an accident.

But your employer is responsible for any errors they may commit which lead to you being injured.

This is covered under your employer’s insurance too.

What are my choices?

If you, an employee, suffer an injury at work, you have two options when it comes to compensation.

First, you can file a workers’ compensation claim with your employer’s insurance company.

Second, you can file a claim against the employer in court.

Should I worry about making a claim against my employer?

By law, your employer must have employers liability insurance to pay any such claims.

That means that they will not personally pay your claim but their insurance company will do.

It is possible that they will have an excess on the policy – which works very much like your own car insurance excess, so they may have to contribute an amount towards your claim depending on their excess.

What if my employer goes bust before I start my claim or whilst I am fighting my claim?

Even if your employer goes bust during the course of your accident claim, their insurance company will pay out your compensation claim.

If it was the insurance company that went bust, the Financial Services Compensation Authority would pay any compensation you are due. 

How do I win at Court?

In order to win at court, you (the claimant) must prove the damages you suffered are resulting from your ladder accident or fall from ladder accident.

This means proving that the injuries and financial losses you are claiming were caused by the accident and not from something else.

If there are any future losses, such as future loss of earnings, you must prove that these future losses are as a result of your accident.

If you wish to claim that the injury will affect you in the future, such as the development of arthritis, you will have to prove that this future event was caused by the accident and not something else.

You Must Prove The Employee’s Right To Compensation Under The Law

If you have been injured at work in a ladder accident or any other work-related accident, you should contact an personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

An experienced personal injury lawyer at Grieves Solicitors can help you determine whether you have a case and what steps you need to take next.

Call us now on Freephone 0800 074 7644 for a quick chat.

Are there any time limits?

You must make your Claim for Compensation at Court within three (3) years after the date of your accident. Ideally, as soon as possible after the date of the accident.

It is important to note, unless very limited exceptions apply, you must either settle your claim or prepare the necessary court documents and lodge them at court within three years of the date of the accident.

Contact our Personal Injury Solicitors now on FREEPHONE 0800 074 7644 and tell us what happened in your accident at work. We will review your case free and let you know if we can help you in your compensation claim.

Take a look at our compensation calculator to get an idea of what amount of compensation might receive.

However, there is no substitute to speaking to an experienced personal injury solicitor so don’t hesitate to call our team on our FREEPHONE 0800 074 7644 to discuss your options.

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