Hand Injury Claims & Hand Amputation Compensation Claims

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Hand Injuries

Hand injury claims are one of the most common forms of personal injury claim.  Because there are a variety of ways to damage your hands: amputation, fractures, dislocation, burns and blunt traumas. Certainly, most incidents of hand injuries are caused at the workplace.  However, injury to the hand can happen in many ways other ways. Following such injuries there can be a number of consequences.  Generally, this is because your hand is a vital tool for most day to day activities.  Therefore injury to the hand which means that you cannot use your hand to carry out daily activities can lead to embarrassment, stress and inconvenience.

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What do common causes of Hand Injuries include?

Generally, the most common causes of hand injury include:

What Causes Hand Injuries at Work?

Hand Injuries at work can result from many things including:

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    Identifying the type of Hand injury you have sustained and how it has impacted your ability to perform your daily activities or to earn a living is important to calculate the amount of compensation you could receive for your hand injury compensation claim.

    Physiology of Hand Injury

    Sudden onset wrist pain: minor injuries caused by a fall onto the hand with an outstretched arm or a forced twisting movement.

    Gradual onset wrist pain: injuries over a period time which cannot often be traced back to a single incident or cause.

    Burn injuries: Injuries to the skin caused by heat, electricity, radiation or chemicals.

    Tendon injuries: The muscles in the Hand are joined to the bone by Tendons.  These tendons are generally caused by a piercing injury.  Hence they can result in serious loss of function.

    Flexor Tendon Injury: Flexor Tendons allow the fingers to bend.  They attach the bones in the fingers and thumb to the muscles of the forearm.

    Extensor Tendon Injury:There are the tendons tissues on the rear of the hand.  They straighten the fingers by linking the bones in the fingers and thumb to the muscles of the forearm/hand.

    Repetitive Strain Injuries RSI: This Injury is linked to damage to the tendons, the nerves and the soft tissues caused by a repetitive movement.  This can be caused by typing or working on a production line.

    Joint injuries: Dislocations and sprains of the thumb or finger joints can happen after a sport injury or fall.

    Finger sprains: Sprain is an injury to the tissues neighbouring and supporting a joint of the finger.

    Finger dislocation: This is when the surfaces of the bone are no longer connected.  Thus it is the complete misplacement of the joint surfaces.  Such an injury can occur to any joint in the finger and thumb. Symptoms of this include tenderness, swelling, deformity and a decreased range of motion.

    Nerve injuries: These injuries in the wrist or hand can lead to total loss of function in these areas and can take time to mend.

    Hand fractures: A fracture is a break in the bone. A fracture can occur to any of the bones in the hand. Hand fractures are one of the most common hand injuries. Symptoms include: tenderness, swelling, deformity and a decreased range of movement.

    Soft tissue injury: Soft tissue injuries are injuries to the ligaments, tendons and fibres that connect the bones.

    Amputations: An amputation is the most serious hand injury which results in the surgical removal of the hand.

    Hand-Arm/ White Finger Vibration Syndrome: This is where the blood vessels in the finger/ hand compress and reduce the blood flow, it can be caused by the constant use of vibrating machinery and such.

    Talk to our Injury Solicitors

    How much could you claim for your Hand Injury?

    To make a claim for a hand injury, the accident must have been caused by the negligence of another person. Compensation can be used to cover hospital bills, rehabilitation and loss of earnings and is dependent on severity of the injury

    Total loss of, or loss of use of, both hands:


    Total loss of, or loss of use of, one hand:


    Injury to one hand, dependant on severity and recovery time (measured in weeks:

    £500 to £50,000

    Involving one or more broken bones with some permanent residual problem:


    The Grieves Solicitors personal injury claims calculator is intended as a guide only.

    Your compensation amount may be considerably more as aspects of special damages (financial losses)  have yet still to be considered and added. Therefore it is important you contact us for a full assessment of how much you can expect to receive.  You can call  us free on 0800 0747 644 or complete an online claim form for a free no-obligation chat.

    “I was looking for a lawyer for my injury claim. I’ve spoken to 7 different lawyers and companies but they didn’t really convince me about their competency… Finally I found the Grieves Solicitors. I must say, Helen was the most professional and experienced lawyer I’ve ever spoke to. Her professionalism convinced me straight away. She spent so much time with me and my case before I even signed the contract with her. I must say, Helen and her entire team far more professional than anyone else I’ve spoken to.
    After she accepted my case it was a straight forward process. I’ve got so much support from her team during the whole process. She won my case easily. I’m absolutely happy with the outcome. Thank you”

    How to make a hand injury compensation claim with Grieves Solicitors?

    Before starting your hand injury compensation claim, contact Grieves Solicitors and speak to one of our legal team of personal injury specialists.  Subsequently, our specialist Solicitors will guide you through the personal injury claims process.  Furthermore, they will assess the strength of your hand injury compensation claim.  Finally, they will offer advice on the most appropriate course of action for you to take.

    You can be in no doubt that, Grieves Solicitors will guide you through every stage of the legal procedure.  Grieves Solicitors will keep you informed of the progress of your claim throughout. Along with hand injury compensation claims, Grieves Solicitors also handle personal injury compensation claims for injuries to other areas of the body on a no win, no fee basis.

    Will I have to pay anything to start my claim ?

    Don’t worry about having to pay anything to start your claim.  First of all, Grieves Solicitors’ Legal Team will assess whether your claim is likely to succeed.  Then, if Grieves Solicitors can help with your claim, they will enter into a no win, no fee agreement with you.  As a result, you will pay absolutely nothing to start your claim.  However, at the end of your claim, if you are successful, a percentage will be deducted from your compensation for any past losses and injury compensation to cover Grieves Solicitors legal success fee together with the cost of the After the Event Premium Fee (ATE)  Why do I need ATE?  ATE protects you against any legal costs you may have to pay your opponents or any expenses you incur such as the cost of medical reports should you lose your claim.

    Talk to us about your claim 

    Our annual client questionnaire has revealed, over 98% of our clients have rated our service as excellent or good.  Additionally, 98% of those questioned, specified said that they would use us again.  Furthermore they would recommend us to their family or friends.  Our legal team of personal injury Solicitors has had many years of specialist experience and training in dealing with personal injury claims.  As a result, this will allow you to have the best possible experience and outcome.  Finally these Specialist Solicitors will ensure you are equipped with the necessary knowledge with regard  to your personal injury claim.

    “The service has been brilliant from start to finish and I am extremely grateful for it. I was initially in two minds whether to go for a claim and had no experience in this area but from the start Helen was extremely helpful and reassuring. Please pass my thanks on to Nathan, Nadine and Emma too for their great service and support. I will certainly recommend you guys. Thanks again Helen, I really appreciate it.”

    Helen Grieves our Founder and Principal  is a Solicitor  member of Apil is accredited by the Law Society to deal with personal injury claims.  She specialises in dealing with major cases.  As a result, she has helped her clients receive millions of pounds in compensation.  Her resilience, expertise and familiarity in the personal injury field will enable you to get the best results possible in our personal injury claim.

    Grieves Solicitors will guide you through every stage of the legal claims process and will keep you informed of the progress of your claim throughout. Along with hand injury compensation claims, Grieves Solicitors also handle personal injury compensation claims for injuries to other areas of the body.

    If you or someone you know, has suffered a hand injury or other injury and require legal advice, please get in touch with one of our personal injury Solicitors today. You can call us for free on 0800 0747 644 or fill out our online claim form and a member of our legal team will get back to you.

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