(by Rogan Ashton of Grieves Solicitors 08.06.2023)
Some of you may have seen and heard that Mark Cavendish is on his final lap as a
professional cyclist.

Despite the fact Mark Cavendish’s cycling career has been filled with glittering prizes he
has also suffered spectacular crashes and injuries throughout. When you factor in the
speed of the peleton, and add in the inherent vulnerability of the cyclist, that is perhaps not

While you may never reach the speed of the man they called “the Manx Missile”, how
does the cyclists obvious vulnerability translate to you when you are out cycling on the
road and are unfortunate enough to have an accident?

Well; you will be pleased to hear, that the law recognises your vulnerability and affords
you, like the pedestrian and the motorcyclist, greater protection.

That is not to say, as one of those vulnerable users, you can don your lycra and can career
off disobeying all laws and restrictions, you still have a duty of care to yourself, and to
other road users. But, it does mean that if you do have an accident and are injured you
should seek legal advice as the law may well be on your side.

While we may not be able to promise you the fairy tale ending of winning the last ever
stage of your last ever Giro (the Tour of Italy) as did Mr Cavendish, we may well be able
to help you get the compensation you deserve.

So, if you do have an accident on your bike, and need professional advice: contact Grieves Solicitors on FREEPHONE 0800 0747 7647
and let us see if we can use our expertise to help you make a claim for the compensation you deserve.
We hoped to add a picture of the famous cyclist to this blog but instead we have to make
do with our Rogan Ashton having apparently cycled up some very big hill/mountain

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