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Brain Aneurysm Negligence Injury Claims

A brain aneurysm is a potentially fatal condition characterised by a bulging wall in one of the brain’s arteries. Ruptured brain aneurysms can be fatal and are classified as medical emergencies; the aneurysm should be identified quickly and the appropriate treatment urgently administered by a doctor.

Brain aneurysms are notoriously difficult to detect and survivors are often left with permanent brain injury as a result of the rupture; if treatment is delayed, the patient’s chance of survival will be slimmer and their chance of a good recovery will be reduced.

Injury caused to the brain can be significantly more serious in nature where some form of negligent behaviour from Medical professionals leads to delayed diagnosis or treatment

If you or your loved one has suffered a brain aneurysm and you believe there to have been some form of negligent medical care that has affected you or a relative, you may be able to make a clinical negligence claim if the care you received was lacking, such as in the following instances:

  • Unnecessary delays treating your aneurysm
  • Your aneurysm should have been identified prior to it rupturing
  • If you were not offered appropriate care or surgery
  • If, after your aneurysm, you were not offered appropriate rehabilitative therapy

If you believe your Aneurysm or that affecting a loved one, was not cared for properly then contact our experienced medical negligence solicitors today. We can help you get the compensation you deserve.

What is a Brain Aneurysm?

An aneurysm is a weak, bulging area in an artery; brain aneurysms occur in arteries within the brain and can be difficult to identify. Aneurysms that are not treated can rupture, releasing blood into the skull cavity and causing a stroke. Brain aneurysms are extremely dangerous and often fatal; survivors often incur permanent and life-changing brain damage that results in severe disability.

What Causes a Brain Aneurysm?

There are a number of potential causes of brain aneurysms, including:

  • An inherited tendency to form aneurysms
  • Suffering from atherosclerosis, a condition which causes the arteries within the brain to harden
  • Age
  • Hypertension
  • Smoking

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Symptoms of a Brain Aneurysm

The majority of aneurysms don’t cause any obvious symptoms and aren’t diagnosed until after they have ruptured. Others, however, cause pressure to build up in the brain, resulting in symptoms such as headaches, seizures, and visual disturbances.

Any potential symptoms of aneurysm should be carefully inspected by your doctor. People can live with aneurysms for years before experiencing symptoms or suffering a rupture.

The symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm are often very severe and include a painful headache (often to the back of the head), seizures, vomiting and, in many cases, a loss of consciousness.

How is an aneurysm diagnosed?

Patients presenting with symptoms of an un-ruptured aneurysm are often referred to the hospital for more tests; these tests typically include scans of the brain which help doctors to visualise any bulging areas in the brain’s arteries.

In the case of a ruptured aneurysm, a CT and MRI scan are likely to be performed immediately to identify any signs of bleeding in the brain, and a lumbar puncture may also be performed.

Aneurysm Treatment and Recovery

Not all aneurysms require immediate medical treatment, although they do need to be carefully monitored for signs of worsening.

Aneurysms that haven’t ruptured and have a small chance of rupturing in the future may not be treated surgically, but monitored and observed. Medications to help alleviate symptoms associated with the aneurysm (such as headaches and visual disturbances) may be prescribed, and steps are likely to be taken to reduce blood pressure.

If an un-ruptured aneurysm is particularly large or likely to burst, however, surgery may be recommended.

Coiling is a form of surgery used to treat aneurysm within the brain; it involves inserting a small tube into the affected artery and positioning it near to the aneurysm. Metal coils are then transferred through the tube into the aneurysm, filling the bulge and reducing the risk of rupture. The procedure is less invasive than other methods, such as surgical clipping, which involves placing a clip at the base of the aneurysm to cut off its blood supply.

In the event of a ruptured aneurysm, doctors need to work quickly to stop the bleeding and minimise the amount of damage caused. Aneurysms are often fatal, even when treated, and it is common for survivors to incur life-long brain damage.

Your chances of living healthily with an aneurysm or surviving a rupture are higher if you receive prompt medical attention and treatment.

Why make a claim?

If you or a loved one has been affected by a brain aneurysm, you may feel that the care you or they received was inadequate and negatively affected yours or their recovery.

Here at Grieves, we have successfully handled hundreds of clinical negligence claims; our dedicated term of expert clinical negligence lawyers will be happy to discuss your case with you and offer advice and support on a no-win-no-fee basis.

The compensation you receive may help to offset many of the costs associated with the disabilities you or your loved one have sustained, such as accessibility transformations in the home and rehabilitative therapy. Contact us today!

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