What injuries did Mrs F  sustain?

Mrs F is a Huddersfield Pensioner.  She was involved in an accident at Lockwood Cemetery, Meltham Road, Huddersfield.

Mrs F was attending a funeral and was between two parked vehicles when one of the cars rolled back and trapped her leg between the two bumpers and taken from the scene to hospital.  She had X-Rays taken and was discharged home the same day.


She suffered   crushing injuries to her and upper leg right hand side.  She now has pain all the time.  Mrs F did have  a previous back problem but her mobility has never returned.  The accident aggravated the pre-existing back problem and Osteoarthritis in her knee.


Before the accident Mrs F did not need to use a walker.  This has now been provided by her GP via an Occupational Therapist.


Mrs F was advisd that crushing injuries are worse than breaks and needs to attend at the Edgerton Clinic for physiotherapy and the use of electronic tens machine.


How was Mrs F  affected by these injuries?

Mrs F lives with hr disabled son but as a result of this accident needed care and her assistance from her family to look after both her disabled son and herself.  She is now limited with her social and has to stop attending Mass which she used to take great comfort in attending

Why did she choose Grieves Solicitors to help her make his claim?

Mrs F found about Grieves Solicitors through the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

Were there any unique challenges with this case?

Due to Mrs F’s age and pre-existing health condition it was tricky to calculate the amount of damages which Mrs F should be awarded

How did Mrs F benefit from the claim?

Mrs F chose Grieves Solicitors as Personal Injury claim specialists Huddersfield, to assist her in obtaining the compensation she rightfully was owed for both her personal injury (pain, suffering and loss of amenity) and financial losses as a result this accident to try and her make more financially comfortable as to her health problems ad age she will not fully recover from the effects of her injuries