Cycling Accident Compensation: Bicycle & Bike Accident Claim Calculator

Find out how much compensation you may receive.

For an individual quote tailored to your own particular accident circumstances call us free on 0800 0747 644.

Cycling Accident – do I have a claim?

Have you been injured in or affected by a cycling accident? Consult our Cycling Accident Compensation Calculator for an idea of how much compensation you could recieve for your injury. Cycling accident compensation payouts depend on a range of factors, including:

  • ·The severity of the injury
  • ·Treatment given and expected future treatment
  • ·Changes in physical and mental ability
  • ·Level of pain and suffering
  • ·Earnings lost as a result of the accident through recovery time and ability to return to work
  • ·Damages caused to property

Contact us on 0800 0747 644 or fill out our online contact form and one of our expert personal injury solicitors will get in contact shortly.Consult our Bike Accident Solicitors. Grieves Solicitors can offer you the help and support you need to make a compensation claim.

How do you make a claim for Cycling Accident Compensation Claim?

When making a bicycle accident claim, medical records may have to be obtained in order to determine the injuries sustained at the time. The amount of compensation received depends on the severity of the injury.

Send us a message and we will get back to you.

    The more serious injuries can take anything up to 12 months after the accident for the medical report to be obtained. Your injuries will be valued in accordance with  the final medical report obtained.

    We can help support you and provide you with the help you deserve.

    The most common cycling accidents include the following:

    • Motorist emerging into the path of a cyclist
    • Motorist turning into the path of a cyclist
    • Motorists opening a door into the path of a cyclist
    • Cyclist riding into the path of motor vehicles,
    • Cyclist and motorists going straight ahead
    • Cyclist turning right off a major road and from a minor road
    • Child cyclist playing or riding too fast

    It’s important to understand that your claim could go to court and then trial before being resolved but most bike compensation claims are settled out of court by negotiation.

    You can contact Grieves expert personal injury solicitors immediately to start a cycling accident claim or for general enquiries about bike accident compensation claims. If you or a member of your family has been affected by an accident and has suffered serious injury because of this, you may be entitled to some compensation.

    Start your bicycle compensation claim today and get in contact with Grieves solicitors by calling 0800 0747 644 or fill out our online contact form and one of our expert personal injury solicitors will get in contact shortly.

    What can I claim for?

    Have been injured in any way due to an accident on a bike where someone else is to blame, you have the right to claim for rehabilitation, medical bills, earnings lost, damaged property etc.

    With cycling accidents occurring in the thousands, it’s very important to seek advice and support if you have been involved in a cycling accident as you could be eligible to make a claim and receive a pay-out for your incident.

    When you compare cycling to motor vehicle accidents, per billion vehicles miles, 1,011 pedal cyclists are killed or seriously injured, in comparison to 26 car drivers. So, if you’ve experienced any sort of injury as a result of a cycling incident, you could have a possible compensation claim against the opposite party concerned.

    How much compensation could I be entitled to?

    There are several factors that are taken into consideration when we work to determine the quantity of compensation that should be awarded to a claimant. The main factors to be considered is the nature of the seriousness of the injuries sustained the victim.

    IIn 2021, 111 pedal cyclist were killed in Great Britain, whilst 4,353 were reported to be seriously injured and 11,99 slightly injured . Cycling accidents are becoming more and more frequent. In fact, cyclists are now known to be among one of the most vulnerable road users and there are specials rules in The Highway Code which cover them.

    Compensation awarded will vary depending on the injuries caused and the level of severity and the circumstances. However, the court can also take into account a number of variables that would be associated with the accident, for example, if the cyclist was partly to blame.Grieves Solicitors are specialist personal injury solicitors and have a great deal of experience in dealing with cycling accidents compensation claims.

    Speak to the specialist Cycling Accident Solicitors at Grieves Solicitors if you have questions about the viability of your claim.

    Average Bicycle Accident Compensation Claim Amounts

    Head Injury following Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £214,300 – £307,000


    £11,600 – £214,300


    £1,600 – £9,700

    Injury to Eyes following Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £80,500 – £204,200


    £6,900 – £50,000


    £1,650 – £6,700

    Injury to Ears following Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £68,950 – £107,500


    £23,850 – £34,650


    £5,300 – £34,650

    Injury to Face following Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £13,700 – £74,500


    £1,770 – £28,950


    £1,290 – £2,670

    Compensation Amounts for Injuries to the Upper Body through Cyclist Accident

    Neck Injury following Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £34,570 – £112,800


    £29,300 – £42,500


    £1,850 – £6,050

    Back Injury as a results of a Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £29,450 – £122,300


    £9,450 – £29,500


    £300 – £9,450

    Shoulder Injury due to Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £9,750 – £36,450


    £6,050 – £9,750


    £300 – £6,050

    Hip & Pelvis Injury following cyclist accident

    Very Serious:

    £29,800 – £99,550


    £9,550 – £29,850


    £3,000 – £9,580

    Compensation Amounts for Injuries to Arms and Hands following a Cycling Accident

    Arm Injury due to Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £73,050 – £228,050


    £29,750 – £99,450


    £5,000 – £29,750

    Elbow Injury following Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £29,450 – £122,300


    £9,450 – £29,500


    £300 – £9,450

    Hand Injury because of Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £9,750 – £36,450


    £6,050 – £9,750


    £300 – £6,050

    Wrist Injury following a Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £18,600 – £45,450


    £5,600 – £18,620


    £2,650 – £3,550

    Finger Injury due to Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £6,750 – £69,050


    £3,000 – £14,255


    Up to £360

    Thumb Injury following Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £9,550 – £12,740


    £3,050 – £9,550


    Up to £1,680

    Compensation Amounts for Injuries to Lower Body

    Leg Injury because of Cycling Accident

    Very Serious:

    £74,450 – £214,300


    £21,050 – £103,200


    £1,850 – £19,850

    Knee Injury due to Cyclist Accident

    Very Serious:

    £39,600 – £73,120


    £19,850 – £32,990


    £4,600 – £19,950

    Ankle Injury following Cyclist Accident

    Very Serious:

    £38,000 – £52,995


    £23,850 – £38,000


    £10,400 – £20,150

    Achilles Injury because of Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    Up to £29,250


    £23,850 – £38,000


    £10,400 – £20,150

    Foot Injury due to Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £63,820 – £153,250


    £19,000 – £53,150


    £5,520 – £16,050

    Toe Injury due to Bicycle Accident

    Very Serious:

    £23,750 – £42,650


    £7,300 – £16,050


    £4,200 – £7,300

    Legal Help with Compensation Claims for Cycling Accidents

    With cycling accidents occurring in the thousands, it’s very important to seek advice and support if you have been involved in a cycling accident as you could be eligible to make a claim and receive a pay-out for your incident. Over 18,000 incidents occurred in 2016 involving cyclists, and just over 3,000 of those incidents were categorised as serious injury cases.

    Contact Grieves solicitors by calling 0800 0747 644 or fill out our online contact form and one of our expert personal injury solicitors will get in contact shortly.

    To make a free no-obligation enquiry, call 0800 0747 644.

    Alternatively, fill in the contact form and we will get back to you.

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