Paralysis & Spinal Cord Injury Compensation Claims

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What is Paralysis?

Paralysis can involve the total or partial loss of body function, and may severely impact on a victim’s life. It can be caused when the body sustains a serious injury damaging the spinal cord, brain or nerves.

Common causes of paralysis include:

  • Road accidents
  • Falls from height- e.g. ladder or scaffolding.
  • Sports injuries
  • Workplace accidents

What are the different types of paralysis?

Paralysis of any sort can cause difficulties for the victim, when all of the limbs are affected it is considered the most serious type, however even partial paralysis causes devastation upon the victim’s quality of life. There are several forms of paralysis:

Localised Paralysis: This affects a certain part of the body, for example the arm or hand.

Monoplegia Paralysis: This is when one limb is affected by paralysis.

Hemiplegia Paralysis: This is when both a leg and an arm on the same side are paralysed.

Generalised Paralysis: This refers to paralysis which affects larger areas of the body.

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    Tetraplegia Paralysis: When both the arms and legs become paralysed.

    Paraplegia Paralysis: This is where both the legs are paralysed, however sometimes other parts of the lower body such as the pelvis can also be affected.

    What are the causes of paralysis?

    Injuries to the head, spinal cords and strokes are the most common causes of paralysis, If you or anyone you know have suffered an injury to the head or spinal cord which has resulted in paralysis, and the accident was caused due to the negligence of another, then you could claim for compensation for your injuries as well as help recover any costs and finances lost, it is important that you the justice you deserve.

    How much could you claim?

    Providing the accident which caused the injury was another person’s fault, you may be entitled to compensation. A claim can be made to cover the cost of hospital bills, rehabilitation and loss of earnings as well as any structural changes to the home to improve standard of life.

    Compensation is based on the type of paralysis:

    Total paralysis:


    Partial paralysis depending on severity and age of the victim:

    £100,000 to £250,000

    What types of compensation will you be entitled to?

    • The Pain and suffering of your injury (General damages): The victim experiencing pain and suffering for which there is entitlement of compensation.
    • Financial losses and expenses (Special damages): This includes income which is lost for the time taken off work, medical expenses, care, travel expenses etc.

    Contact us

    If you, a family member or friend are the victim of paralysis through someone else’s fault, you or they may be entitled to compensation.

    Our personal injury specialists are happy to provide free, sympathetic and professional advice. Call us for free on 0800 0747 644 or fill in a claim form. Alternatively, read more on our paralysis claims page.

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